
Building Your Creative Wellbeing

12th June 2024

We’re pleased to share news of some new online offerings from Writers & Artists, our regular partners for the How To Get Published event in the South West.

Andrew Wright of Action Your Potential will later this year lead a four-session online course for Writers & Artists on the neuroscience side of creativity and productivity. On 22nd July, Andrew will be running a standalone lunchtime taster session – Building Your Creative Wellbeing – that’s just £5 to attend, and with all ticket proceeds donated to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

More details here:

Build great wellbeing for your creative life everyday.

Mental flexibility is a human super-power. In this taster workshop ahead of Building the Creative You, a four-session course coming to Writers & Artists this autumn, Andrew Wright from Action Your Potential will teach you how to manage stress positively, maintain high levels of mental flexibility, and build creativity and curiosity every day.

You’ll also receive free access to an app which will help you manage your wellbeing each day.

This masterclass will take place online via Zoom. It will also be recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you’ll be able to catch-up and access the recording for up to two weeks after the event has taken place. The session will end with a brief Q&A, so come ready with your questions! 

All proceeds from sales of this masterclass will go towards the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Book now via Writers & Artists for just £5