
Residency opportunities in UNESCO Cities of Literature

17th September 2024

There are various callouts for writers’ residencies in UNESCO Cities of Literature currently open to applications. Here’s is the info from each city, explaining their requirements and what the residency might involve.

Bremen – virtual residency

In order to promote literature in digital media, the Bremer Literaturhaus, with the support of the Senator for Culture, awards the Bremen Netzresidenz every two years as a three-month online scholarship at the virtual Literaturhaus Bremen. The scholarship supports authors who have already published with a publishing house. The focus of the scholarship will be on the creative and critical engagement with current digital media. Emphasis is placed on the use of innovative literary or artistic methods. Digital literature projects that emphasise an open-minded exchange of literature will be supported. Authors from UNESCO Cities of Literature are particularly encouraged to apply with a project idea.

The scholarship is endowed with a one-off amount of €2,500. An independent jury will decide on the award. The virtual residency at Literaturhaus Bremen begins on March 1 and ends on May 31, 2025. As part of the scholarship, the recipient will create their own project website. Following the period of residency, the scholarship holder will be invited to present their project at a literature festival event in Bremen. Applicants should submit a short project outline (max. 1 DIN A4 page) that convincingly presents the idea and specific implementations of the project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please send your project outline and a short CV to heike.mueller(at)literaturhaus-bremen.de.

More details here


Open call: residency opportunity for writers and translators of Estonian literature in autumn 2024. This call is for a 2-month residency period November-December 2024. One applicant will be selected. The deadline for applications is September 25th. The results will be announced by October 4th at the latest.

Tartu is the second largest town of Estonia but is widely considered its intellectual capital – vitally significant in developing the educational system, culture, science and literature in the Estonian language. In 2015 Tartu was designated UNESCO City of Literature which has further enhanced the vibrant literary scene. Tartu City of Literature residency program aims to increase international exchange and communication, contribute to the mobility of writers and translators, offer a creative and inspiring environment, and provide writers an opportunity to introduce their work to Estonian readers.

What we offer:
•    2-month stay at the Karl Ristikivi residency apartment
•    A scholarship of 600 euros per month
•    Compensation of travel costs to and from Tartu up to 350 euros
•    An opportunity to get engaged in the cultural scene of Tartu and to perform at different events, the interdisciplinary festival Crazy Tartu taking place from November 7th to 9th 2024.  
•    A contact person who is responsible for planning performances, meetings and tours and helps to engage in the local literary life

How to apply:
•    Fill in the online application form available HERE
•    Please upload a fragment (up to 5 pages) of a published text (in Estonian or English) or a fragment of a published translation (from Estonian into another language) in the respective section of the form

•    Upper intermediate level of spoken English.
•    At least one published book (fiction or non-fiction), screenplay, theatre script or translation from Estonian into another language by the applicant.
•    Interest in Estonian culture and literature.
•    Readiness to participate in the local literary life, including events, meetings, interviews, and festivals.
•    Literary work during the residency.
NB! We are looking for writers and translators who are currently not residents of Estonia.

Selection process
The resident will be selected by a committee of 4 consisting of the representatives of the Estonian Literary Society (coordinating organisation of Tartu City of Literature), the Tartu Department of the Estonian Writers Union, the Estonian Literary Museum and the Karl Ristikivi Society.

Deadline: Wednesday 25th September

More info and application form


The Programme
Nanjing is offering 6 residencies in 2024 to writers, poets and translators from all UNESCO Cities of Literature. Nanjing International Writers Residency means to bridge the city’s literary community with its international counterparts. This yearly program was initiated in 2019. It has hosted 30 writers, poets and translators from the subnetwork. Nanjing boasts a literary tradition of over 1800 years. The city served as China’s capital for about 400 years across six dynasties. Its heritages left from those dynasties and its diversified culture today have all contributed to its role as a “most luring destination” for inbound travelers to China. It has made much difference in modern Chinese literature, a possible unexplored treasure house for international writers.

The Theme

The theme for 2024 program is “Life is Better with Literature”. Literature is born from daily life, giving us unlimited imagination, and at the same time, under the guidance of literature, we learn to experience life with a broader perspective of the world and more delicate emotions. With the 2024 program, we would like to invite six writers to deeply experience the life in the historical city of Nanjing. This may include the literary events, reading clubs, cultural adventures, city walks, random encounters and meetings etc., simply to probe into diversified aspects of Nanjingers’ life today. With “Life is Better with Literature” as the theme for 2024, we hope that the daily life in Nanjing will become an inspiration for literary creation, and that literature will ultimately light up the brilliant sparks of our lives.

The Timing

  • Open call for applications: from Friday 6 September till Monday 30 September
  • The final decision will be announced on Thursday 10 October
  • The residency: from Wednesday 30 October till Friday 15 November

What We Offer

  • 2-week in-person residency in Nanjing City of Literature;
  • Tours to culture landmarks and literary places in Nanjing;
  • A selection of local literary activities;
  • Dialogue with Nanjing writers, poets, translators, literary organisations, and students;
  • The flight tickets, food, accommodation and local transport will be provided;
  • And stipend of 1200 USD for each writer-in-residency.

What We Expect

Selected participants are to:

  • Be connected to a UNESCO City of Literature (either a resident or one who works or studies in that city, or has other connections with that city as recognised in writing by a UNESCO City of Literature office)
  • Have at least three-year experience in writing, or at least one published work ( book in print, all genres acceptable), or have received awards that are recognised by your local literary communities.
  • Be willing to interact with Nanjing’s literary communities, emerging and established writers; as well as to partake in local literary activities;
  • Write a piece of work in English (no less than 1000 words, or 50 lines for poetry) that is inspired by the residency, or translate Chinese stories, poems or prose into English; (All the virtual writers will retain the copyrights of their works. Please understand the works might be used for promotional purpose by Nanjing Literature Center)
  • Be fluent in spoken English, or Chinese;

Documents for application

All applicants are supposed to submit:

  • An CV with a passport photo and a life size photo;
  • Extracts from published works;
  • Proof in writing of your connection with a City of Literature, when applicable.

Please send all the required materials to the following contacts prior to Monday 30 September:

Danni Yang, Project Manager | 2308123125@qq.com