Senryu course with Call of the Page (asynchronous online)

  • Online
  • September 10
  • 16:00 - 17:00
  • £140 Early Bird Rate if booked before end of Monday 26th August. £150 thereafter.
Event Website

10th September – 5th November 2024

Format: Asynchronous. Participants work on written assignments in their own time.

Level: Beginners and improvers of senryu. Most people will come with at least some experience of writing haiku, although there is no reason not to start with senryu first! In fact in some ways senryū is less technically demanding.

Number of Assignments: 3

Group Size: up to 5

Course Description:

How is a three-line senryu poem different to a three-line haiku poem, in content, style and language? Submitting two draft senryu three times over two months, we’ll explore these questions, but also try to find our own “voice” with our senryu.

Assignments with prompts are posted privately online, and participants read Alan’s feedback on each other’s poems as well as on their own senryu, in a shared learning process.