The Editing Room with WriteClub

  • Windmill Hill City Farm, Bristol
  • February 4
  • 10:00 - 15:00
  • 60
Event Website

The Editing Room
Sun 4th Feb 2024 | 10am-3pm (plus option to gather in the cafe afterwards)

Windmill Hill City Farm | Bristol

Get your writing into shape with support from experienced writer, editor and coach, Alison Powell.

Perhaps you’ve written the first draft of a story and don’t know what to do with it next. Or you’ve made serious progress with a novel manuscript, but find yourself stuck in the middle. Maybe you’ve written a pile of snippets and potential chapters and need help bringing some kind of narrative structure to it all.

Then this is the workshop for you.

Bring along your work in progress, your first drafts and your scribbled ideas and let’s make space for them to grow.

In this workshop you will:

* explore narrative arcs
* understand character motivation and development
* find ways to work on the big picture of your project
* get support with the nitty-gritty business of line-editing
* meet like-minded people and find new readers and champions for your writing.

Editing can seem daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone! Come and get your writing into shape and turn your first drafts into polished pieces of wordy loveliness!

Booking essential.

What previous participants have said:

“WriteClub is friendly, super-fun, supportive and inspirational. I have made friends for life and know that I will finish my novel now that I have all the tools I need.” AM

“The workshop inspired fresh ideas and helped me to see my story from a new perspective. I now have lots of editing to do, with a renewed sense of confidence about how to begin. Al brings a wonderful energy and enthusiasm to the session. ” Madelaine

“This workshop has catapulted my motivation. Before the course, I didn’t know how to structure my novel. Now I’ve a much clearer idea about what works and feel more confident about where to start.” Valerie

“…it’s the best money I’ve spent on any writing-related course. I’ve learnt more about writing doing this than anything else.” PS

About your facilitator

Alison Powell supports new and established writers with their creative work. She set up WriteClub in 2016 and has since run regular workshops on all aspects of the writing craft. She is an award winning writer, published in various anthologies and magazines and holds an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa. She writes regularly for BBC and is a member of the Hay Festival Writers at Work Programme. She is also an INLPTA certified Master Practitioner of NLP and coaching and has seen many of her clients through the writing process from intial ideas to book launch stages.

She believes that everyone has the right to express themselves in writing and runs all her sessions with a positive approach. Her passion for poetry and story along with her enthusiasm for helping people find the best in themselves are reflected in her lively and open presentation style. She will do her very best to ensure that you find the support you need to make your writing work.