
Callout for Read Easy volunteers in Exeter

13th August 2024

Read Easy North, East & West Devon help adults who struggle to read by pairing them with a coach to work through a structured learning programme.  The service is provided free of charge, on a one to one basis and in a confidential setting.

It’s estimated that there are around 40,000 people in Devon with low levels of literacy.  Being unable to read can make life very difficult and people will often feel too embarrassed to ask for help.  Learning to read opens up so many opportunities for those we help – improving their confidence and self esteem, offering better employment prospects, and generally enhancing their health and wellbeing.

Read Easy are currently recruiting volunteer reading coaches in Exeter. There are also volunteer opportunities for a Treasurer, Publicity Officer, IT Supporter and Networkers.  Find out more about the charity, what’s involved, and if you think you’d like to volunteer email newdevonrecruiter@readeasy.org.uk or call 07486 858 012.