Candy Neubert
Two novels published with Seren (Foreign Bodies/ Big Low Tide) though Candy Neubert mostly works with short stories and poetry.
Short stories published in Virago and London Magazine anthologies, Cosmopolitan, New Welsh Review and Contemporary Cornish Short Stories, also several boradcast on Radio 4, the most recent, ‘A Little Lay-Off’, to be aired in September 2021.
Poetry: prizewinner in the National, Bridport, Arvon, Ledbury and Cardiff Academi awards; Candy was Senior Reader for the Bridport Prize for eleven years before stepping down last year. She co-established the Guernsey International Poetry Prize and acts as filter judge each year.
Candy Neubert comes from Guernsey, spent time in South Africa and now lives in Cornwall. A happy user and supporter of the library system, she has visited many local book clubs and libraries to take part in author events.
Recent Publications
- Privacy (poetry collection) - Shoestring, April 2021
Awards and residencies
- Hawthornden Fellowship -
Current Events and Projects
- Radio 4 story - September 9th 2021