Lesley Curwen

Lesley Curwen

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An investigative journalist who wants to use words for a more creative purpose.
I’m a radio broadcaster and investigative journalist who also likes to use words for a less utilitarian purpose, for poetry and short stories and radio scripts.
My poetry often deals with the sinister side of life and can be ‘political’ in the broadest sense. Short stories have dealt with controlling relationships and unnerving family revelations.
I’ve been a member of Greenwich Poetry Workshop for 15 years, a flourishing group which runs live events and publishes collections of its members’ work. The group carefully and honestly workshops individual poems, which has helped me greatly over the years.
I’ve now moved to the South West, to Plymouth, so I am looking for new ways to discuss and workshop poetry and other writing, via Literature Works and any other channels available, and to make contact with other writers.